Zucchini is a healthy vegetable that can be used to prepare a variety of delicio...
Hummus is a dish that originates from the Middle East, and is rich in good fats,...
At first glance, the words "dry" and "dehydrated" seem to describe the same thin...
If you've ever ordered Coca-Cola at McDonald's, then you've probably noticed tha...
Regardless of this decision, creators will still be able to see in the YouTube S...
Instagram is acting in line with its promise to promote healthier habits on soci...
A large part of the film canon consists of films about heroes searching for miss...
So far more than 80,000 people have signed a petition addressed to Universal, an...
The days when cardigans were reserved for grandmothers are long gone. Comfortabl...
Former Disney star Demi Lovato announced their first sex toy, more precisely a m...
Makeup inspired by the Barbie doll happened quite unexpectedly, especially now i...
This is a new project that will soon begin filming in Australia
Pamela Anderson was the main target of the paparazzi these days when she appeare...
Meghan Markle and Prince Harry appeared at a New Year's Eve Veterans Day gala di...
In the film, Gaga plays Patricia Reggiani, the ex-wife of Maurizio Gucci, who hi...
Benedict Cumberbatch, the British actor best known to us for the series "Sherloc...