Seven famous women and seven of their phenomenal business lessons

From their careers we can learn that it is important to make mistakes, that kindess is a virtue, but also that hard work pays off.

Feb 16, 2022 - 14:50
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Seven famous women and seven of their phenomenal business lessons

From their careers we can learn that it is important to make mistakes, that kindess is a virtue, but also that hard work pays off.

The advice of successful ladies can help you be a better version of yourself or maybe start your own business. Toni Morrison, Sofia Coppola, Indra Nooyi, Ali Wong, Melinda Gates, Gwyneth Paltrow, and Sarah Blakely are "warriors" in the male world, whose independence was encouraged by their fathers.

Dads are more than ever involved in the lives of their children, as confirmed by the Pew Research Center: according to the results, their time spent with children on a weekly basis has tripled in the last 50 years. More and more male parents from America perceive this "role" as crucial in their lives. Proof of that are these successful women from the world of show business.

Toni Morrison, writer

- ‘’On one occasion I complained to my dad about the job I do, I described everything to him in detail, and he just told me: "Listen, you don't live there, you live here, with your people. Go to work, earn money and come home . " I learned from that that everything I do - I do for myself, not for the boss.’’

Sofia Coppola, director

-‘’My dad always told me not to ask for permission for anything, but to work on my own and to hope that people would follow me.’’

Indra Nooyi, entrepreneur

-‘’ My father was wonderful and I learned from him how to always recognize good intentions in people. "Sparks" are especially present in business, angry people can say anything. You may misunderstand them and think they are deliberately wanting to humiliate you, or you can turn things around on the positive side and wonder why they are reacting like that, or what is bothering them.’’

Ali Wong, comedian

-‘’ I don't know who said that first, but my dad kept repeating to me - there ain’t such a thing as a free lunch. That sentence left a strong impression on me. The very idea that everything comes with a price.’’

Melinda Gates, entrepreneur

-‘’’ The best advice my dad gave me was to always ask crucial questions and look for answers to them. He knew that curiosity transforms everyday obstacles, and that with such a perspective - the possibilities become limitless.’’’

Gwyneth Paltrow, actress

-‘’ I was 27 years old, I was at the peak of my career, so I acted according to that, and my dad then said to me: "You know, you're acting weird ... Like, just nonsense." That sentence struck me at first, but it changed my life for the better forever, because there is a big difference when you are criticized by someone who loves you above all, and when you are criticized by a stranger from the Internet.’’

Sarah Blakely, entrepreneur

- ‘’Dad always encouraged me to make mistakes. At that time, I did not understand how much that attitude influenced, not only my future, but also my vision of failure. As an entrepreneur, over time I realized how often people do not realize their ideas because they are afraid of mistakes and defeat. His parenting was unconventional, but without it, I wouldn't be where I am today.’’