Although many expected films and TV series were nominated, several of this year'...
"Barbie" is a combination of comedy and fantasy that became a real hit this summer.
"I didn't get a penny for 'Baywatch'"...
Margot Robbie revealed that she used the "opportunity" to kiss Brad Pitt when sh...
Ryan Gosling got the role of Ken in the upcoming new film about Barbie.
Ryan Gosling has changed his look, and fans can't hide how disappointed they are.
The film about the most famous doll in the world did not have an easy path from ...
If everything goes according to plan, the movie "Barbie" should be shot in 2022....
Barbie in the version of the Italian astronaut Samantha Cristoforetti was launch...
Jessica Alves became world-famous as the "human Ken". However, after she discove...