Telegram will launch its subscription service this month
Telegram has been working on a payment system for the service for quite some time. We had told you about it at the end of last year, and while we had not received any more official information about it until now, it was the founder of the service himself who revealed that they were already working on it, and he made it obvious to us that it would launch sooner or later. And we now know it will happen sooner rather than later.

Pavel Durov, the platform's manager, confirmed the launch of Telegram Premium at the end of this month in a post on the platform's official Telegram channel.
The message begins by showcasing the service's history and what it offers its consumers from its inception to the present. And this is real and undeniable because it is the service with the most restrictions in many ways.
Durov goes on to say that, despite this, there are users for whom it is insufficient, and as a result, they demand even more, which is economically unsustainable for Telegram with its existing model.
Of course, one alternative would be to support the service through invasive advertising techniques, but this is something that the service has ruled out since its start and would not contemplate in the future because it would have a bad impact on the overall quality of the service.
Thus, and according to what he recommends, the only way to meet the need of those users for whom what is currently available is insufficient, without jeopardizing Telegram accounts (the economic ones, that is), is to introduce the Premium subscription mode. The following can be read in one of two ways:
"It enables anyone to buy extra features, speed, and resources. Users will also be able to sponsor Telegram and join the club that gets new features first."
The most essential thing, however, is that the same letter makes it clear that the launch of Telegram Premium will not result in the loss of functions for free users, which will continue to work as previously.
Yes, the new features will be available initially to Premium subscribers, as we have seen in other services such as Twitter Blue, but according to Pavel, ordinary accounts will also get improvements:
"Not to worry, though: all existing features are still free, and there are plenty of new free features on the way. In addition, even users who do not subscribe to Telegram Premium will be able to enjoy some of its advantages: for example, they will be able to see the extra-large documents, media, and stickers sent by Premium users, or tap to add Premium reactions already pinned to a message to react in the same way. "