The American channel HBO announced that the fifth season of the acclaimed sci-fi...
In a market with fierce competition, such as video game consoles, it is normal f...
Sir Tim Berners-Lee has been suspicious of the efficacy of a Web3 based on block...
YouTube Shorts has over 1.5 billion monthly active viewers, a milestone reached ...
WhatsApp brings the ability to copy conversations and contacts from Android to i...
Telegram has been working on a payment system for the service for quite some tim...
Selena Gomez is raising awareness about mental health to a higher level by launc...
The popular Twitch platform is in the testing phase of a new feature, a rewind b...
Facebook has 2.9 billion users worldwide, and it is logical that there are a num...
One of the platforms that often introduces new features in order to keep up with...
Instagram had high expectations of the IGTV platform but overlooked the fact tha...