Top destinations where tourists want to return
Based on reviews of popular tourist destinations, we have compiled a list of places to which tourists always return. Check it out!

Based on reviews of popular tourist destinations, we have compiled a list of places to which tourists always return.
The data from the analytical company Euromonitor International, the MasterCard Global Destination Index, and the ratings of Lonely Planet users were used in compiling the list.
1. Bangkok, Thailand
The capital of Thailand leads in the number of tourists who visit it annually. That number is 25 million and continues to grow. Bangkok is a city that never sleeps, and most tourists have left positive comments about it.
“Bangkok is a magical city. It is a unique combination of crazy city life and Buddhist serenity. We have been there five times and we will come back again", is one of the comments.
2. Vienna, Austria
It is often on the list of cities with the best quality of life. The capital of Austria is a peaceful, magnificent, and pleasant place, like a kind of open-air museum with a rich history.
3. Singapore
It is very popular among tourists, although it is quite an expensive city. Over 15 million tourists visit it in one year.
4. Florence, Italy