An amazing, healthy raspberry juice!

If your body needs a drink that will cool you down this summer, and at the same time delight you with the taste and amount of good ingredients it contains.

May 20, 2022 - 06:17
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An amazing, healthy raspberry juice!

If your body needs a drink that will cool you down this summer, and at the same time delight you with the taste and amount of good ingredients it contains, then you are in the right place. The low-calorie fruit with a rich nutritional composition is raspberry. 

One hundred grams of raspberries contain 53 calories and about 12 grams of carbohydrates, of which four grams is sugar. They are so rich in fiber that only 100 grams of raspberries satisfy about 26 percent of the daily needs for them!

As far as vitamins are concerned, raspberries contain the most vitamin C, followed by B-complex vitamins, vitamins E, and K, while manganese, potassium, copper, iron, calcium, and magnesium are the most abundant minerals.

Although 100 grams of raspberries contain 4 grams of sugar, they contain xylitol, a natural organic sugar compound that is used as a substitute for regular sugar because it contains fewer calories and is absorbed more slowly in the body, and does not raise insulin sharply, which means that this fruit is recommended in the diet of diabetics. 


  • 3 lemons
  • 3 kilograms of raspberries
  • 1.5 - 2 liters of water


If you would like to prepare the perfect raspberry juice, then it is best to find very ripe raspberries that must be washed well before preparation and cleaned of rotten and green parts. 

Then place them in a deeper bowl and mash well to release the juice. It's time to wash the lemon and cut it into rings and add them to the bowl with the raspberries. Then add water to all this and leave on low heat until everything boils. When it boils, leave the juice to cool in order to strain it through gauze or a strainer. 

Then pour the juice into the bottles and store them in a cool place. Enjoy!