This amazing drink lowers your blood pressure

Hypertension can increase the risk of serious health problems such as heart attack and stroke. Fortunately, it can be reduced by changes in diet and medication.

Mar 19, 2022 - 09:07
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This amazing drink lowers your blood pressure

Hypertension can increase the risk of serious health problems such as heart attack and stroke. Fortunately, it can be reduced by changes in diet and medication.

High blood pressure is also called a silent killer because it has no symptoms at first, but over time it leads to heart disease and other health problems.

Pressure measurement is the basis for diagnosis and monitoring the effect of therapy. Ideally, the pressure should be below 140/90 mmHg. Higher than that is hypertension which requires treatment.

It is estimated that almost a third of the adult population has high blood pressure, which means that these people live at high risk of stroke and heart attack, kidney failure, and death.

Why is tomato juice good?

If drunk regularly, tomato juice is an effective ally in lowering blood pressure, according to research published in the journal Food Science & Nutrition.

The study included 481 respondents who drank as much unsalted tomato juice as they wanted. A decrease in systolic blood pressure was observed on average from 141.2 mmHg (mmHg) to 137.0 mmHg, while their diastolic blood pressure dropped from 83.3 mmHg to 80.9 mmHg.

They remained at a good level even after the respondents stopped drinking tomato juice. However, additional research will be needed to determine the amount of juice and other components of the subjects' diet. This action is attributed to the content of potassium, a mineral that performs important functions in our body, and among the most important is the regulation of how much fluid will be stored in the body and how much will be released.

If the body retains water, it will result in more fluid in the blood, and the pressure on the walls of the arteries will be higher. In order to remove excess fluid from the body, a balance of potassium and sodium is needed, because too much sodium increases blood pressure and retains water.

As we all eat excessively, in addition to drastically reducing the use of table salt and the need to add salt to food, it is also necessary to eat more foods rich in potassium. This will restore the delicate balance of potassium and sodium and allow the kidneys to work properly and lower blood pressure.