Sam Smith's new music video has caused numerous reactions!
"You shove your sexuality in everyone's face"
British musician Sam Smith has come under fire for the content of his new music video for the song "I'm Not Here To Make Friends", which marked the release of his new album "Gloria". Some Twitter users were upset that he highlighted his non-binary nature in the video.
The four-minute video begins with Smith emerging from a gold helicopter in a large, pink dress, before dancing on the stairs in a black outfit with a corset, feathers on his head, and gloves. His outfits and the entire video caused numerous reactions.
"Get help", "This is sad", "Disgusting and vulgar", and "Children shouldn't watch this," are just some of the comments on Twitter.
"Sam Smith is a perfect example of what degenerate Hollywood culture does to people. It makes celebrities vulgar, hyper-sexualized and obsessed with wearing their sexuality like a costume and shoving it in everyone’s face. And to make matters worse, kids look up to this man!" was a reaction to the song. "Man, you could have been a great artist, but like all other hollyweird celebs, you went, well, weird. This is sad." said the other fan.
"Hi, @Ofcom who is best to speak to about getting a music video banned? Sam Smith’s new video objectifies women, degrades them, shows sexualized behavior, and absolutely shouldn’t be viewed by children. Who regulates music videos?" asked a shocked Twitter user.
But, on the other side, there were also many who supported the musician. "You're perfect. My inspiration," "I love your video, it's iconic," and "Sam Smith helped me understand non-binary," are some of the messages of support on Twitter.
As a reminder, Sam Smith declared himself non-binary, explaining that he "never felt like a typical man". "I feel like a woman as much as a man," the singer once said.
Post By: Vanessa F.