The executive producer of the series is Ridley Scott (Blade Runner), who also di...
New Line Cinema and HBO Max released the futuristic thriller "KIMI".
HBO Max raises its price taking advantage of the premiere of 'The Last of Us'
The American channel HBO announced that the fifth season of the acclaimed sci-fi...
On December 8, the first two episodes will premiere on HBO Max, and then the cla...
The new HBO Max series shows the life and business journey of legendary American...
HBO revealed the first poster for its prequel to the famous series "Game of Thro...
The second season of ‘And Just Like That’ is coming, and viewers are wondering, ...
Cry Macho arrives in cinemas, but also on HBO Max on September 17.
Queen Elizabeth and her late husband Philip, Prince Charles, and his wife Camill...
Ahead of the 73rd Emmy Awards, HBO and HBO Max titles received a total of 130 Em...