The sequel to "Top Gun", after numerous vicissitudes that slowed down the shooti...
Netflix has released the long-awaited trailer for its new action thriller “The G...
‘Top Gun: Maverick’ is better than the original, and Cruise and crew are restori...
If you haven't heard the song “About Damn Time” by Lizzo, that means you don't ...
Director Brett Morgen, the author of the biographical film about Kurt Cobain (19...
When the movie "Top Gun" appeared in cinemas back in 1986, few did not immediate...
Lea Seydoux is a French actress who managed to build an international career tha...
Producer Jerry Bruckheimer stated that he is currently negotiating with Margot R...
American actor and producer Forest Whitaker is this year's winner of the honorar...
Recently, a new high school comedy was released on Netflix in which the role of ...
Legendary actor Val Kilmer has revealed that he "begged" the producers of "Top G...
We may not know yet who will win such a precious award - Golden Palm, but what w...
At one point, Jennifer Grey hesitated to make the film "Dirty Dancing" with Patr...
The solemn ceremony of awarding the most significant recognitions in the world o...
Everyone can make mistakes, and no one is immune, but when it happens to actors,...