Tag: Diet

J.Lo and Kate's diet for the perfect line

Photo Credits: Shutterstock

J.Lo and Kate's diet for the perfect line

To get back in shape after the holidays, learn all about the Dukan diet.

Discover the reason why you can't lose weight

Photo Credits: PublicDomainPictures/Pixabay

Discover the reason why you can't lose weight

Everyone is trying to lose weight at some point, which means that people are try...

Cookies with a minimum number of calories

Photo Credits: Dilyara Garifullina/Unsplash

Cookies with a minimum number of calories

A lot of cookies with few calories but a lot of flavor? Is that possible? Yes an...

Cinnamon winter diet that works!

Photo Credits: Mae Mu/unsplash

Cinnamon winter diet that works!

It is currently the MOST POPULAR in the world, melts fat deposits, and doesn't R...

THE DIET WITH WHICH KYLIE JENNER GOT RID OF 40 POUNDS: 'I ate them three times a day, even though I can't stand them'

Photo Credits: INSTAGRAM


The diet practiced by Kylie Jenner did not include physical activity which she h...

RECIPE: Do you want to eat something sweet? Soft and aromatic cinnamon rolls with pumpkin will disappear from the table in the blink of an eye, and your home will smell for hours

Photo Credits: Instagram

RECIPE: Do you want to eat something sweet? Soft and ar...

Cinnamon rolls do not need a special presentation. Few can resist the delicious,...

Jamie Oliver reveals how he lost 26 pounds: I had to give up only one thing

Photo Credits: Getty Images

Jamie Oliver reveals how he lost 26 pounds: I had to gi...

World-famous chef Jamie Oliver admitted that he managed to return his weight to ...

10 reasons why you eat too much and hunger is not one of them!

Photo Credits: Jarritos Mexican Soda/Unsplash

10 reasons why you eat too much and hunger is not one o...

It’s time to make a few changes!

The Mountain from "Game of Thrones" looks totally different today as he loses 110 pounds

Photo Credits: HBO

The Mountain from "Game of Thrones" looks totally diffe...

After retiring from the competition for World's Strongest Man in 2020, Hafþór "T...

YOU CAN EAT CHOCOLATE This is the diet with which Adele lost 45 kilograms

Photo Credits: Instagram

YOU CAN EAT CHOCOLATE This is the diet with which Adele...

If you’ve ever wondered what the diet that Adele lost weight looks like, we have...

Heidi Klum Revealed How She Keeps Her Body Fit Even After Giving Birth 4 Times!

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Heidi Klum Revealed How She Keeps Her Body Fit Even Aft...

Even after four births, this blonde looks sensational, and now she has shown us ...