The film industry closed the doors to Johnny due to accusations by his ex-wife A...
The character of Jack Sparrow played by Johnny Depp is the protagonist of Disney...
Johnny Depp's friend, who was also a former bandmate during his beginnings as a ...
Johnny Depp's marriage to Amber was ruined: 'He started doing drugs and drinking...
Notwithstanding that court ruled in his favor, the shadow is cast on Johnny Depp...
The daughter of Hollywood heartthrob Johnny Depp and French singer Vanessa Parad...
"What are the people in Minamata dealing with? People are struggling with COVID?...
Johnny Depp is accused of domestic abuse, and it affected his career.
The famous actor said in an interview that he thinks Hollywood is boycotting him...
The chief judge of this lawsuit has partially upheld Depp's lawyer's request and...
Johnny Depp's ex-wife became a mother thanks to surrogacy, and acquaintances and...
Their mutual friends think they have a lot in common.
Alice Cooper has Johnny Depp's back!