James Cameron's "Avatar" sequel managed to register, despite not premiering unti...
We present an overview of the 10 most definitely inspiring films based on real c...
If you are tired of repeating the same movies and series/episodes that you watch...
We have selected unique films that deal with wars in the 20th century.
This time we are talking about the most anticipated movie genre titles.
The production was accompanied by so many crazy stories, scandals and gossip tha...
The Internet Movie Database, or IMDb, is the world's most popular movie and seri...
Robert Redford is one of the founders of America's greatest independent film fes...
Which Marvel films are already in the works? We take a look at the Marvel Cinema...
There are many great family movies for children that can be watched not only in ...
Sony is currently best known for two things - PlayStation consoles and exclusive...
" Top Gun: Maverick " director Joseph Kosinski explained why the two main charac...
We can be inspired by numerous films on the topic of travel, which takes us of o...